Analysis of the gender data in the Asian American Journalists Association (AAJA) Broadcast Snapshot Project reveals significant challenges for Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander (AANHPI) reporters, anchors, meteorologists, and hosts on-air.
The analysis shows both female and male AANHPI broadcast journalists face career challenges, but often in different ways that aren’t widely understood. Key findings:
- No AANHPI women are on-air in 25 of 94 stations.
- Half of TV stations underrepresent AANHPI female broadcasters (in the top 10 TV markets; based on the AANHPI female population)
- No AANHPI men are on-air in 67 of 94 stations.
- 1% of 3,297 broadcasters are AANHPI men.

AAJA’s Research: Measuring Progress for Change
By NAOMI TACUYAN UNDERWOOD “What gets measured gets managed.” Management expert Peter Drucker was referring to corporate strategy, but the same applies to social change.

AAJA Broadcast Snapshot Finds Underrepresentation of AAPIs in Local TV News in Top 20 Media Markets
The Asian American Journalists Association (AAJA) is releasing the preliminary findings from a broadcast snapshot analyzing the number of Asian American Pacific Islander (AAPI) reporters,